Monday, June 23, 2008

Bridesmaids Gifts....part uno

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So, I know I can't post exactly what gifts my ladies will receive because they will eventually read these posts, but I feel ok about posting one gift that they are definitely aware of.

I LOVE the idea of bridesmaids totes. However, I didn't want anything too cheesy that would just scream wedding, so anything that specifically said bridesmaids was out. So I moved on to monogramming.

So, I scoured the web, then I scoured Etsy.
Everyone wants at least $20 - $25 per bag.

Then, my ubercool bridesmaid Lisa (in all her etsy guru-ness) found this for me:

Unfortunately, by the time I got around to deciding upon and purchasing said totes, they were sold out. So with this idea in mind I went to plan B which involves....Michael's.

So, now I'm trying to figure out what color, if I should paint it with fabric paint, bedazzle it, do iron-on transfers, or just have it embroidered.

The search continues....

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